
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Frozen and Faith while snoring.

Christmas Eve was upon us and instead of waking up full of joy and excitement I woke up not feeling well. Then mom called with some sad news that one of my sister's friends son had lost his life at the age of 18 in an auto accident not far from our house. My heart truly hurt for his family. I think of how many times my boys get up early and go hunting and it could have happen to them as well. We all take for granted our love ones will come home to us.
So with that being said I wanted to make today count. I drug myself out of bed and put my game face on. See Tuesday even thought we went to what seemed like 100 store. I couldn't find Payce's snow cone maker. In a panic I bought a small fish tank and beta fish. My shopping committee mainly Julie said it was a terrible idea, but I thought what girl wouldn't love to get a fish. It was the first time she wouldn't get what she ask for on her Christmas list, but a fish makes it better right?? Well when I got up and moving I realized the fish I bought yesterday was dead. I know what you are think how in the hell did you kill a beta fish? The answer was I didn't know, but a dead fish, sick mom and no snow cone maker on Christmas Eve was not a great combination. So what was a girl to do other then network. I posted it on Facebook I need a Frozen snow cone maker and a fish with in 30min we had a Snow cone maker. Thanks to Erica she got on line and it was ready for pick in Bryan. Not only did she pay for it but she offered to go get it because I wasn't feeling well. I told her thanks and I would ride over with her so she didn't have to go alone but I couldn't make the trip by myself. She was so kind treating me like a old lady dropping me off at the door of the store so I wouldn't have to walk. The Frozen snow cone maker was in our hand and the taste of victory was sweet. I truly felt Christmas was saved by Erica. We went to Petco for a fish because I didn't want to brave Wal-Mart on Christmas Eve. After looking and pricing different fish we picked one and even got stuff for the "disgusting" dog the kids call Lady. We went to lunch a Panora Bread the food was very good. It was my first time eating there. Erica again was so kind to get me refills on my drink. I felt like a old person, but it was awesome. She saw I was in pain and offered to help. Christmas was saved by a Christmas Angel named Erica. Matt and I donated two brisket dinners this year for auction. One to the Marquez Fire Department and one to the Mexia Catholic Church. The Deacon won the dinner at the Church for $200 and he wanted it Christmas Eve. It was 5 pounds of potato salad and two pounds of beans and a brisket. Matt had been up since 6am cooking it to be delivered to Groesbeck at 6pm. When I got home around 5 I was not feeling well at all and the house needed to be tidy up for company tonight. Matt left for Groesbeck and I set the kids down and was honest with them and said "Mom doesn't feel well and dad is in total go mode". I ask for the kids to help clean. Well 30 min later I was crying, Thomas was in the shower and Landon and Payce were fighting. Was it to much to ask for the kids to pick up? I just wanted a little help. I told them I was done and I was taking all their gifts back. Of course my kids weren't phased because they said Granny and Nana buy the best gifts. REALLY!  I just lost my cookies. Needless to say everyone got a reality check and by the time Matt and our company arrived they were back to the kids you know and love.
I had to hurry home because we were hosting the Vandegriff Family over to have a Happy Birthday Jesus Party at 7.  Desserts were on the menu, chocolate chip cookies, brownies, cupcakes, candy and pies. After desserts we headed out to look at lights on a hay ride with out hay. We used warm pillows for our butts and not near enough jackets and blankets. We went to a subdivision on the lake that was a total let down on light but not entertainment. We were freezing, laughing and singing songs. Landon ask could his hair freeze and break off. It was just that cold. The older kids complained about the weather conditions and the adults seemed to enjoy their time. After 30min searching for lights we dropped off a group at the house and grabbed more blankets and picked up a few more kids and headed to Jewett. My kids had a great time and lots of houses in town had light displays. It was so cold. We ended the night at the Boy Scout Park to admire the lights in the park that Matt and his crew set out this season. I love living in the small town to hayride right down main street on Christmas Eve with no hustle and bustle just singing Christmas songs and enjoying our families together. It was 10pm and we had to head home and get ready for midnight mass. We hugged the Vandegriff's wished them a Merry Chrismtas and rushed home to get ready for Church in Mexia. On the way to Mexia Yes home of Anna Nicole Smith I think that is a cool fact to the town we go to church in. Trust me over here I'm the only one that thinks that but I loved her. Anyway back to the drive we all fell asleep other then Matt. When we arrived Matt's parents were already at the church. As we walked in you couldn't  help but feel we were right where we needed to be at 12am Christmas day. The Church was decorated beautiful. The choir did a fabulous job getting everyone in the spirit. I'm sure Father had a nice sermon but the truth is, I feel asleep. Matt nudged to me when I started snoring. Looking around the church we were the only family with kids out that late. Matt says it is a family tradition he and his brothers all went to midnight mass. So we will continue that with our kids for the time being. Church let out and the Martin's wanted to take us to breakfast but one thing about a small town there is no place to eat at 1am in the morning. So we left Mexia and made the 45 min trip home with gifts that needed to be wrapped and Santa needed to come. Even though I said Santa wasn't coming of course he was. Now it is 2:45am and Matt and I are giving this night a farewell.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Do you wear a smile all year?

Tuesday was full of events. First we wanted to thank everyone that wears a smile while working all year in the Community . Red brought 3 Elf on the Shelf goody boxes to be filled with homemade goodies. The kids and I got right to work on baking and of course I burned 3 batches of cookies and ruined the popcorn. Thank God Nicole had made treats for us and I had a few things in the cabinet to fill the boxes. I really suck at cooking but I thought how hard is to make popcorn and frozen cookies? PRETTY HARD! The kids could only pick 3 people they tossed around many names Meagan from Marquez Post Office, The City of Jewett ladies, the ladies at the Chamber and I really wanted them to pick the cashier's at Family Dollar. I really let them pick.
First was Jewett's police Chief Sean O'Rielly. He seems to really enjoy the kids, donates to all the school fundraisers and really supports the events the kids participate in. Landon said he liked that he always keeps them safe at the baseball park. 
Next was Gilbert Garcia this man got unanimous vote. If you have ever been in to B&B in Jewett he is always stocking shelves, special ordering items or taking out groceries to people's vehicle . From being in a parking lot to the ball park he wears his smile proud. He is very kind to everyone that walks in that store such a asset to our community. So glad the kids at such a young age could see that.
Next was Jofran. Payce loves her!! We don't know her very well, but Payce adores her. When Payce is playing dress up her name is always Jofran. When ever the kids go in D&D Jofran always seems so happy to see them and buys whatever they are peddling for the day. We are very blessed to have met some wonderful people since we have made the big move over.
Next on my to do list was Shopping. Matt watched the kids and I headed to Bryan with Julie and her mom we went to 20 to 25 stores seriously. You learn something everyday about people I was shocked to learn all the shopping tricks and methods these these two ladies have. Lets just say they have mad shopping skills and I was so glad they let me tag along. I had to laugh writing this because the day was filled with so much laughter and we even talked about not blogging about all their shopping secrets. Invite yourself to go shopping with these two and I promise you won't regret it and you will have so much fun. I was shocked with how many people use cash to make their purchases I don't carry cash because I always lose it. When you think about it when it is gone it is gone so you don't over spend. Great idea just don't know if it works for me.
I know y'all are saying,"Thought you did layaway". Oh I do and did, but as Thomas gets older it is hard to put all his gifts on layaway. He wanted a North Face Jacket and Hurley shirt. I always save $100 for last minute gifts the kids think they can't live with out or can't go on layaway. All the kids got IPad chargers and Payce wanted a Frozen Snowcone maker and Journal. Landon wanted a game. It was an eventful day filled with love and laughter.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Twist on Painting with the Sharp's.

Monday was family fun with the Sharp's. Our theme was Frozen! The table was decorated Tiffany blue and black with stones and lights giving it that Christmas touch. Jana is an amazing painter and when we moved in our house she painted Matt and I a sign with our initials on it. That was the center piece I added a few white poinsettias and bam let the party begin. Our menu was breakfast for dinner cooked by the world famous Matt. We had Olaf waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits & gravy and powered & chocolate donuts. To drink we had orange juice with or with out tequila, Apple juice and milk. Nana made these awesome Ice shot glasses we sipped moonshine out of. Such a nice touch to get everyone in the Frozen theme. The margaritas were strong but good as well. Matt turned off the air so the food would be hot since he had to cook it at all different stages. We were all sweating and headed outside to enjoy a fire Thomas made. I was so hot I had to take off some of my clothes. When I came back they we're singing "tequila makes her clothes fall off ". On to the Family activities. I picked painting because Jana is such a talented artist. She painted beautiful signs for the school and Landon's birthday party.
 We painted canvas snowflakes on an idea I saw on Pinterest. You tape down a snowflake design on a canvas and the kids paint the whole canvas blue and when it dries you pill the tape off and it makes a beautiful snowflake. Well I didn't have painters tape so we used scotch tape.
 The kids had a wonderful time painting and the end result was awesome. We also painted Christmas ornaments. When the kids were done the adults painted on a canvas that Jana had sketched on. It was our version of Painting with a Twist in the middle of the country. I'm telling you this girl has mad skills. We were so happy Nana and Carroll came up to be with both our families. We even had a singing contest to " Let it go" Matt won. One more thing about Jana she is not only a talented painter she is a really good friend. She is always there to lend a ear and help. I'm so blessed to be her friend. She always knows what to say, when to say it and yes someday she has to tell me to stop screaming at her when I'm mad and write in caps. Thanks Jana for being a great friend but for being my friend.
Red is back! They are behaving better and Grace was on the table as we enjoyed our Christmas Breakfast for dinner party.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

A Christmas Scavenger Hunt Family Style.

I didn't get any sleep last night and I just needed a break from life so what would you do at 2 in the morning plan a Christmas scavenger hunt in Bryan half way between your house and your Best friends for today. We meet at 3pm at the Mall to see Santa. First Mall Santa Payce had ever seen. Held out for Santa's Wonderland till the end just wasn't in the cards this year. The pictures I have of Santa are taken from my phone the CD copy I haven't downloaded on the computer just yet. The mall was packed it was sad no body smiling or having any Christmas spirit. I was thinking they should be so blessed to be able to buy gifts for themselves or others and not be second hand but people just seemed in a really bad mood. I loved our Santa pictures! Santa was very friendly and the Brzozozwski's took pictures with us too. Thomas had so much fun telling "Santa" what he wanted. He and I went to Buckle, Hollister and American Eagle. My kids loved sight seeing at the mall. Matt was very overwhelmed it has been years since all of us have been in the mall together. I wish I could afford everything on Thomas Wish list. I pray Plato's Closet has some designer clothes he would like.
We left the Mall and this is when the real fun started. Everyone got the same Christmas scavenger hunt list. Nicole, Me, KB, Payce and Carson made a team in one vehicle and Matt, Caleb, Baby Gavin, Landon and Thomas made another team. The requirements were at least two people on your team had to be in the picture and you only had two hours to complete and be at the Golden Corral by 6pm.

I can not express the fun and excitement we all had with event. I will give you the report from the girls team and Matt will blog tonight about the boys team. Girls team headed straight to Sonic for some sweet tea and soda's  then to a few churches and Wal-Mart after running around not really finding anything. We made a mad dash to Target with stops on the way at cell phone company's and Dairy Queen both stores had Green, white and blue lights. Target was great knocked a lot of stuff off the list and my favorite part as we were leaving in front of the store our team started singing "We wish you a Merry Christmas" as loud as we could. Yelp flash mob style. People thought we were crazy but truly us together is crazy. The only thing left on our list was a Manger Scene and carolers. The old Navy commercials always looks so cheerful so we all ran in and ask shoppers to sing with us. I'm sure they thought they were being punked. Two different groups sung with us. Now the hunt was on for a Manger Scene you know the true meaning of Christmas. Pier one didn't have one and when we ask the cashier at World Market for one she had to call the manager over because she didn't know what I was talking out. REALLY?!?! The manager apologized, but they didn't have one either. We went through a whole tank of gas so glad gas dropped to $2.09. We did beat the boys to Golden Corral.

The journey of the boys team wrote by Matt. We left the girls and decided we would head straight to Wal-Mart and get all the pictures done in about 5 minutes. Needless to say Wal-Mart was sold out of almost everything. So then we run across the street to Lowe's knowing they would have what we needed. They ended up having a lot of the things we were looking for. We found a huge church and went inside right before the evening service was fixing to start and took our picture of the Nativity and the Christmas Star. we only needed five more items and figured that the girls would throw a fit if we didn't get some pictures in people's yards. So we headed into different subdivisions looking for what we needed. We would knock on people's doors and ask if we could take pictures with the items we needed. Everyone was so nice and let us take our pictures. We were finished with everything with 45 minutes left except for one and we drove around and drove around looking for it. Finally with 10 minutes left to be at the restaurant we ran into a Family Dollar and found  a box that said "NOEL" got the picture and drove as fast as we could to get there on time. Got there a little but the Boys beat the Girls really bad on the scavenger hunt because "Boys rule and Girls drool".

When we all got to the Golden Corral we were all loud with excitement. It felt like we were the only ones there like the world had stopped and God smiled down on us for two hours and let our families bond. I have never seen Matt laugh so hard in years. We laughed till we cried and even sung the "Lion King" theme song a few Times. We did apologize to the manager once and she said "go right ahead laughing it is Christmas". We ate till we were sick. We all knew the night would have to end. As we made our way to the parking lot Nicole of course couldn't come empty handed she always has it together. She made Thomas his favorite cake balls, cupcakes and popcorn. As we are driving home I can't help but wipe tears out of my eyes. She is always up for my ideas and whenever we get together it is like we never moved. I love her and her family so much.
Red is still not back and Grace is just sitting praying we are all making the right choices.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Last day of school fun!

First thing yesterday morning I had to be at the school and make sure everything was ready for Payce's party. I love being the room mom when you have such awesome mom's and teacher's. They make life so easy! Everyone brought what they said and more. Had to run to the store and pick up things for Landon's party. Then off to work I went only to be back at the school at 10:15am for the program.The program was great! Landon was to cool he thought to sing, but he was so handsome. The 4th grade teachers ask to borrow Payce's dress to pull off Elsa and Anna. When the girls sang "Let it go" I had a tear in my eye. Payce's class did the reindeer rap and she got the part of the Elf then they changed it to Mrs. Claus.  She did a good job!! After the program the Christmas parties started Landon was wild and Payce's party was easy and great. Then at noon I headed back to work. The kids got a Rubik's Cube the other day. Thomas picked it up at 1pm today and didn't put it down till 4:30 and solved it. He is so smart! I really wish he believe in his self and didn't think it was cool to be the class clown. I love that boy so much.
Payce and Landon's Santa letter made the newspaper. Landon wants a iPad charger and she wanted 3 things 1) IPad charger 2) IPod and writing bold (I have no idea what that is ).

We finally made our way home and all took naps. The school was hosting a play called a "Christmas wizard of Oz" and I really wanted to go but the kids didn't. Matt wasn't going to be able to go and the cash he gave me I left at work. So I was like forget it we won't go. I thought about it for awhile and thought it is not the Trans Siberian Orchestra we are use to going to, but we are going to a play this year. So I made everyone get up and get dressed and we drove back to town to get money and we headed to the play. I have to admit this was fabulous we had a marvelous time. It has been the best thing we have done this Christmas season. My kids laughed, sang and danced. Landon looked at me one time and said "mom this is so much fun". Thomas said "mom we have to come back next year" and of course Payce said "I'm trying out for the play next year." To bad tonight was the last night because we would be going back to watch it again. So proud of all the students, teacher's and parents that helped with the play it was perfect.
I had $15 that I put it in my empty bag of snow at the play and then forgot and through it away. When we left I was like crap and had to dig through 100 Brown bags to find it. So we did. $15.00 is a lot to my family!
The best part of the night was driving home and saw my neighbors lights on and I knew they were not home and someone was parked in their driveway. I called and ask was anyone supposed to be there and she said no. I dropped the kids off at the house and headed to her house to see who was parked in the driveway it was a married couple making out with each other. YES YOU TWO KNOW YOU WERE. The good news is they were married to each other. It was a good laugh and I'm sure now the couple thinks I'm a nosy neighbor and don't know how Shawn and Julie do it. I chalk it up to country living, I'm doing my neighborly duty you two.
I also took a Facebook quiz called What is your Christmas IQ? I got 46% and was labeled a Scrooge really!! Ok if you say so Facebook.
Grace and Red had sad news to report today. Red didn't come back from the North Pole. Santa sent a note and said they had been so bad and disrespectful that he giving up this year he brought coal and the note personally and took one present that was under the tree. Of course the kids were crying. Grace was here because God is always with you.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

All aboard the crazy train

I would like to take tonight and thank my husband for being amazing. Our life isn't easy and more times then not it is very stressful, but he always makes it work. He is a wonderful father and provider and this year he has been a wonderful husband and I don't make it easy(he doesn't either). I do believe he loves me and with love you can conquer anything. I had a sign made that said " We may not have it all together but together we have it all". I truly believe that sums up the way I feel about him and our family.
To prove my love I downloaded candy crush today so I could send him life's. He is on level 215!! Late bloomer to the game but he is a little addicted. When he passes a level he has been stuck on he gets so excited. Like a kid at Christmas.
So now on to the Polar Express Train ride. I LOVED IT!! I would definitely go again next year. Landon however didn't love it, but he is the one always talking about wanting a train. Payce was at the perfect age and loved every minute of it. Thomas didn't say or do much other then get in trouble the first 5 min we were on the train. It was the perfect experience for Matt and I. The instructions said be an hour early. Of course we roll in there at 4:46 train leaves at 5:00 and I was panicking but it worked out great. No lines, cart wasn't full. They did a great job pulling off the theme. So glad we added it to our Christmas calendar this year.
After we left the Polar Express we went to eat at a restaurant called Little Mexico it was the best quesadillas I have ever had. We were very blessed because a family paid for our meal. Yelp wouldn't let us pay. I think about all this couple has been through this week and they still had a smile on their face. Matt and I have been so blessed this year to surround ourselves with power couples.  What I mean by that is they are strong in their faith and love their spouses. Such inspiration to any family especially mine.
Grace and Red were riding the train and bought the kids new Pajamas. I forgot to get a picture. I have really been slacking on the Angel and Elf but we have been really learning a lot about the Bible and the true meaning of Christmas. The kids haven't been great this season. I really wish they could get coal and nothing else, but I just can't do it. I guess Christmas is for me just as much as it is for them.
P.S. I can't wait for next year to help host a event I read on the bulletin board in Palestine. New ideas for Christmas is my favorite and to bring it to our town makes me  super excited.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Alive and well to board the train of life.

Today has been a day of healing. I woke up feeling like I had been in a boxing match my sides and back seemed sore to the touch. Only feeling 50% my normal self this morning I was worried if I could pull this evening off. Then about noon I had a pain I have never felt before. Rushed to the bathroom thinking I was delivering a elephant and thinking I was done for and life was going to be over in the bathroom. The pain was gone after a few minutes. It was the weirdest thing ever. Googled it and seems like I had a kidney stone. Still just a little sore. 
 Our after school event was to tell the kids we are going to the Polar Express because my family has decided not to go to Santa Wonderland this year. I have very mixed feeling about it, but it is what it is. 
The Noey family came over because they are going with us tomorrow. We told the kids tonight at the same time. To say they were excited was a understatement. We ate tortilla rolls, fruit, ham &cheese,  cookies and cupcakes and the kids loved the decorations. I used thing that I had around the house like the table cloth was just a pink sleeping bag. Carley read the Polar Express and I hid silver Bells all over the house. When the book was over the kids ran all over the house looking for the bells. It was fun to watch the kids find them and shack them to hear them ring.  Grace and Red bought a Gingerbread train kit. This was more for the big kids, but the little ones had a fun time as well. This idea however was a huge epic fail. It was very hard and would not stay together.
The entertainment for the night was the kids practicing their school program. Payce wanted to do hers alone, Landon wouldn't do his and Halle wanted everyone to dance. Matt stole the show.  Then we looked up our Elf names. Uh My name is, uh My name is "Happy Peppermint".
Then we moved on to the movie "The Polar Express". Hot chocolate and popcorn were on the menu for this and the kids got comfy and we settled in for a long winters nap.
The kids were so thankful and had the best time. Can't wait to ride The Polar Express tomorrow.