
Saturday, November 22, 2014

Hope, Love and Christmas all in one day

Today Payce and I are full of holiday spirit. To start off the morning we went and helped decorate for the Relay for Life dinner for survivors called Harvest of Hope. The event is sponsored by our local board to remind people we are here to help all year not just at Relay time. Payce and I were late for setting up/decorating this morning not because we were not ready but because, You yes you, Kristy forgot to pick us up. It worked out perfect because by the time we drove in to town to help it was all set up. Job well done ladies. 
Then Payce, Kristy and I left the Relay event and headed to a Christmas open house at Becki's Cottage. We had a great time and met new faces and visited with good friends and the shopping was great too! So many must have Christmas decorations for the season. The food was amazing the presentation was perfect. Winter shocks me ever time I'm around her with her talents. I see us partnering in the near future on a event. She is shaking your head yes, I know it. Kristy won a door prize and I stayed on budget. We both had a wonderful time. Becki's Cottage is open during the Thanksgiving holiday if you would like to shop contact her on Facebook. Kristy and I had to hurry back to town because the Harvest of Hope Started at 5. Matt's job that I volunteered him for is to make the cornbread for tonight but I forgot he had 4H cooking club with Landon today. So guess who is making cornbread? Me! I bought 6 boxes of Jiffy.  I hope I don't burn them all. I had to call Matt's mom already on measurements and Payce talked me in to using her cupcake maker that only makes 6 at a time. Matt has called twice to make sure I got THIS. I assured him I did. Who am I kidding I'm nervous other people will be eating my food but I got this. Payce and I decorated the cornbread serving box cute I hope that counts in case they are nasty. The weather was terrible when Matt and the boys got home. So Matt and I decided to make the event tonight a date night. Even though families are welcome. I just still like to do the cancer stuff just us two. I know we are helping host but it is good to look out in the crowd and see people that are just like us making it everyday and having a good life years after they fought for their life. The menu was soups and deserts and the relay team out did themselves. The survivors I think had a wonderful time and we had a great turn out despite the rain. Our guest speaker made me cry talking about never giving up "hope" in your walk day to day. This also goes for people without cancer. We all go through different hardships on a daily bases but we should never give up hope. The survivor baskets were a big hit and we can't wait to start handing them out on the local level. 
In closing today I know you are wondering when am I going to get to "The Angel and Elf" part of the blog. Well I ordered the Angel last Tuesday so I'm sure it will take a week to come in and Red doesn't come till after Thanksgiving. Matt and I have decided that The Christmas Angel will not come till December 1st. But after reading my last 5 blogs I just want you to know I have been writing about some of my true angels and elves.

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