
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

exhaust breathe with a little southen charm.

I have mentioned her name a few times but I really haven't talked about Payce just in case you think your not saying her name right it is pronounced Paycee. She is the true definition of a hot southern mess. After two boys I prayed for a girl and God delivered me a bona fide DIVA. She is smart, very literal and a little sassy would be a understatement. She loves fashion this girl has style that is out of this world at 7 years of age. Sometimes when she is sleeping I like to sneak in her room and watch her sleep because I can't believe she is mine. With that being said I debated to tell this on my blog because it deals with me but it is really funny about something she said.
Last week I walked Payce in to school and their was a car parked on the cross walk so we walked behind the car. Payce said mom do you smell that I said yes it is the exhaust from running the car. She said oh it smells just like your breathe in the mornings, when you are brushing my hair and my face is dirty you wipe it off with your spit and I make that terrible face. In the morning your spit stinks like a dead deer. What do you say to that? I just busted out laughing and stayed like 2 feet out of everyone's bubble that morning at school because I was late and had forgotten to brush my teeth. Tonight I had to laugh as a parent at dance was praising me for being a great mom and Payce walks out of dance class with no shoes, her dad's coat on and talking about drinking whiskey while holding a mason jar with water in it. Her mouth and actions shocks me everyday. Like when we were in Target last year she was an aisle ahead of me. When I got to the aisle where she was, she was on her knees praying to Jesus to tell Santa she has been really good and deserves this horse stall. It is one of my favorite pictures she didn't even know I had taken. Its a picture where she was in deep talk with the Lord about Santa.
To know her is to LOVE her!!! She is a true Angel sent to me by God even though she is a true southern hot mess.

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