This weekend was nothing like I planned but we still managed to do all that was on the schedule just not how we thought it would go down.
This morning dad brought the babies back at 7am because Payce was sick. Thomas is still sick and now Payce and I had to work today. I called Matt and he came home from the deer lease to watch them. Landon went with me to work and to see Santa.
Today Landon and I went to the Old Fashioned Christmas in Jewett. Landon and I had a great time.
I wore a Santa hat because my hair was greasy and it was festive. After The event was over I went to the grocery store and saw people I knew and said I really wouldn't wear this in public and remember I was in public looking like a complete dork.
I drive all the way home behind the truck that said crap only. We know how that went and I walk in the door and Payce and Thomas are sick. Thomas says "mom we have seen Tammy the movie all day and you look and act just like her." That is not a compliment. I LOOK AND ACT LIKE TAMMY REALLY?? Matt was cooking a wonderful dinner and the kids are sick. Doctors visits are not in the budget for December and It makes me sad. My schedule has been all jacked this weekend but some how we worked it out. I worked 6 hours, saw 3 Santa's, got to see my dad, Matt got to hunt alone and the boys got to hunt, dance pictures done and two blog post. Now we are finally watching a movie, drinking hot chocolate and eating popcorn. We managed to do it all just not on my schedule and the Man upstairs always trumps my schedule.
If you know me you know I'm obsessed with the kids matching. They all normally match everyday. Yes all three of them. So I'm going to post Seven days of fashion. Just in case you are judging me and thinking this girl is always asking for something and her kids dress better then mine I have a system. I will share with you soon. Sometimes it is not easy getting all three of them to pose for pictures every morning, but I try.
On to The Angel and Elf I forgot to move them. Thomas was the only one home and when dad called I wasn't thinking to moving him. So I came up with Red reading the Bible and I couldn't find Grace anywhere this morning so Red went solo. He was doing the right thing and didn't need Grace. I need a drink of wine because My kids think I'm like Tammy and The Lord thinks I'm Full of Crap and I'm exhausted from Chasing Christmas with three healthy kids on Friday and two sick kids Sunday.
I may be pre hangry(mad because your hungry). I haven't started my diet yet but I have it on my mind for tomorrow. I have to lose 10 pounds to get my money back and feel better about myself. It is to early to be hangry when I haven't even started.
Is P.S. still cool ? Anyway P.S. 115 Christmas cards and 6 books of stamps how freaking awesome is this town? FREAKING AWESOME. I still need 150 but if I don't get It I feel totally blessed.
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