
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Friends for a reason not during a season.

Today as I attend a meeting at the high school first thing in the morning I was greeted by a Christian organization in the foyer singing and praising the Lord. How great is that? I didn't know every morning my child walks in to school first rattle out of the box and he is hearing the sounds of kids his age praising and worshiping. Now it would have been great if he was in that group but hey I'm just so happy in a public school this happens. 
Thomas is having a rough year. I know he is 15 and everyone says the teen years are hard. It makes me sad that he doesn't see if he would try a little we would be having a different outcome. I don't know how to really help. I can tell you 100 ways Matt and I did a terrible job and where we went wrong. I just love him so much and want to prostect him from the big bad world. I think about bullying and how important it is for kids to make friends in high school and how this effects Thomas so much. Then I'm remind myself of my friends and  High school friends. High School friends I married Matt and my dear friend Angie is still very involved in our life. Matt and I ask her to be the kids Godparents. It is hard to think some friends you have for the season and some you have forever. I have friends I look at as role models, some inspire me in their faith. I have three friends I think of that make me be a friend, that a friend would like to have. One is a high school friend named Deana. I think of her often and thought we are not close now and I think of that time at her house my boyfriend broke up with me, partially my fault and she let me cry and really listened. She never past judgment on me that day and today I really try to be that friend like Deana was. She makes me not judge others and be more understanding and sometimes the best things to do is listen with no advice. 
Second is Nicole. If you have never met my friend Nicole then you haven't met the other part of me. I miss her since we have moved and sometimes my heart aches. We don't see each other every day and we don't talk as much as we should. I can say this girl has truly saved my life more times then I can count. Nicole makes me want to strive to be and do better each day.
My last one is Erica. I have known her the shortest amount of time but feel blessed to know her. She really has everyone's best interest at heart. So many times when I didn't want to get out of bed there she was not taking "no" for answer. Without her I do believe my world would be so different right now. Erica makes me take that extra effort to check on a friend, try to be more understanding of others and speck my mind a little more and don't  ride the fence.
I don't talk to these ladies everyday but I do feel I will always be indebted to them for teaching me life lessons. I have made a lot of friends over my life time. Some I even think of as family. I truly love and an grateful for and couldn't imagine life with out them but these three really make me who I am today on a friend scale. 
Living in this small town has reminded me just how blessed I am with friends. I have made so many friends that seem to really care and not want to gossip behind my back. God has put so many amazing people or brought them back in my life this last year. I hope they are not friends for the season, but I do understand people come and go in our lives for a reason. I just hope who is reading my blog today know I appreciate their friendship and how it has touched my life and made me a better person. I'm so blessed for each of you and what you bring to my table.
Well Payce has had great news this week. She made the UIL team, and the Christmas play as the Elf. The sad news is in ballet, yes I said ballet she hurt her foot doing tendus and can't walk. So we will she how this plays out. How do you get hurt in ballet???
So the reason you read my blog The Angel and Elf. Today they wrapped the kids lunch and the kids thought that was funny. The message from the Angel was thank a teacher. I can't tell you how thankful I have been for the kids teachers. Landon has 4 teachers and they all seem great. He is older and I try to take the "titty" out of his mouth and not hover over him him. Payce's teacher is Mrs Huffman and we are so blessed for her!! She is amazing. I cry thinking about her dedication to the kids and how much she cares for all of them. I feel she loves Payce very much as she does all her students. She gives 110% in teaching and it shows. Leon is lucky to have her and all the teachers they have!!

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